‘Woodlands’ is a new work recently completed by local artist Julie Maddocks of Ipswich Queensland. As a part of the Tommy Smith ‘Marburg School Of Arts’ initiative, Julie began work on the painting of the historic Woodlands Mansion in January this year, and the finished piece will soon be available for viewing in the ‘Marburg School of Arts Gallery’ which should be open to the public within a few weeks.
“The first photo is the drawing, then the grounding coat or watercolor wash coat, then building the layers and correcting the details to the final painting. The initial drawing took a while to draw as the perspective was important to the finished piece. I thought the initial grounding coat looked good until I started to paint the details and I had to do a fair bit of redrawing before I was happy with the final piece. Colour balance was important and the hedge at the front of the house grew both literally and figuratively as the painting progressed so it created the proper proportions. I was disappointed with the final painting until I took it out to David and Michael and then looking at the painting and the mansion together I feel I have created a painting with the same atmosphere as the real thing.”

The ‘Woodlands’ painting which measures 100cm x 100cm is for sale at a price tag of $1890.00. Souvenir A3 prints will be available shortly, with plans for a run of limited edition A2 reprints signed by the artist. Please contact us at enquiries@woodlandsofmarburg.com for any queries. If you are a local artist that would like to be involved in our community arts initiative, please contact us for more details.

Woodlands of Marburg, 1890-2019.